Category Archives: Fatherhood in the Press

Evolution of Dad on “A Conversation With Men Radio Show”

Last night I had the pleasure of being the guest on a blog talk radio show called “A Conversation With Men” with host Michael Taylor. Click here to listen to the broadcast. Enjoy!

The Evolutionary Paternity Test?

A friend recently asked me if I was aware of a NYTimes article from a few years back that discusses how babies are more likely to resemble their fathers and that this is an ‘evolutionary’ way of getting dads more connected with their babies. Pretty wild stuff. If you have an opinion about this, pleaseContinue Reading

Custodial Bias – A Double Edged Sword

One of the things I’ve been grappling with in the film is to what extent is there bias against dads when it comes to custodial battles. It seems to me a complex picture, having more to do with the prejudices of individual judges, different states and how overloaded the courts are – and there’s definitelyContinue Reading

Evolution of Dad across the Atlantic

It’s always interesting to see how trends in fatherhood are translated on the other side of the Atlantic. I was recently interviewed by The Times in Britain for an article on how the role of dad is changing. Aside from quoting me as saying ‘mum’ as opposed to ‘mom’ they did a really good jobContinue Reading

Conspiracy of Silence?

Yes, it’s that wild and crazy time of the year when fatherhood is back on the cultural radar. I honestly have mixed feelings about Father’s Day. It’s great to have a holiday promoting the importance and appreciation of dads and yet, between the commercial push and the general shallowness of the media coverage, I findContinue Reading

A Video That Explains Everything

My elder son and I watched “The Story of Stuff” this evening and, while it wasn’t specifically about fatherhood, it gave a pretty good explanation as to why the priorities of fatherhood and the family are so screwed up at this point. If you haven’t seen it already, please do so. Then share it withContinue Reading

Work-At-Home Dad: White House Style

There’s an interesting article from the NYTimes titled “Michelle Obama’s Balancing Act” and, while I’m thrilled that the First Lady seems to be taking a stance on matters of work/family balance, it’s disheartening to see how much this is still thought to be a mom’s issue and not a parental one. Also, take note ofContinue Reading

Dear Do-Nothing Dad

Here’s an article from (of all places!) that I think sums up a lot of my personal feelings regarding so many dads out there that make the rest of us look bad – and their dutiful, enabling wives. Special thanks to my wife for bringing this to my attention and to Graham Carr forContinue Reading

More Upsides To The Downswing

If there’s one thing I’ve learned it’s that, for the most part, people don’t usually do things until they are forced to. Yes, there are always some generous people who make decisions for other reasons, but when it comes down to it, business tends to be business – and forget about really caring for theContinue Reading